Terms of use

The terms and conditions of use of the vntheatre.com (VN) website apply to all users and all uses of the VN website. By using the VN website, users confirm that they are aware of the content of these terms and conditions and that they accept them in full. This website is managed by Via Negativa, a platform for research, education and production of contemporary performance art, Ljubljana.


All content of the VN website is protected as copyright works in accordance with the provisions of the Copyright and Related Rights Act. Public reproduction, distribution, transmission, broadcasting, display or any other public presentation of the content published on the VN website is prohibited without the written permission of Via Negativa or the other indicated copyright holders.

Via Negativa does not permit the linking of the VN website or any of its contents with illegal, offensive, harmful, obscene or otherwise unacceptable activities to the Via Negativa platform, and in particular it is not permitted to link the contents of the VN website with anything that, in the opinion of the administrator, could damage the functioning of the organisation or in any way harm individual authors, collaborators or performers of Via Negativa projects.


VN users access the content of the VN website at their own risk and may use it only for private and non-commercial purposes. The user undertakes not to copy, store or distribute the copyrighted content of the VN website and not to exploit it for commercial or illegal purposes.

Via Negativa accepts no liability whatsoever in connection with any consequences that may arise from the use of the VN website. The administrator of the VN website endeavours to ensure the best possible presentation, functionality and correctness of the content on the website. However, the administrator accepts no liability whatsoever for the up-to-dateness or completeness of the content. The Via Negativa platform, along with any other individuals or entities involved in the development, design, or maintenance of the website, does not assume liability for any technical issues or damages resulting from access to, use of, or inability to use the website, or for any defects or flaws in the website’s content.

Personal data protection

The personal data provided by you when you log in to the various forms on the VN website is used solely for the purposes of fulfilling the purposes arising from the online forms. We do not share your personal data with third parties outside the organisation or with other organisations or unauthorised persons. It is used in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Act and is intended solely for the provision of information relating to the activities of Via Negativa. We keep personal data until the purpose for which it was collected has been fulfilled. If you do not wish to receive our newsletter, you can unsubscribe or request correction or deletion from the VN website database at any time.


The VN website employs the use of cookies, which are small text files sent by the website and stored in the browser that accesses the website. These cookies are used for the purpose of optimising website performance and enhancing the user experience. It is important to note that cookies do not allow access to the user’s personal data. The way cookies are used can be modified by adjusting the browser settings. However, it is essential to be aware that blocking cookies may significantly limit the functionality of the website.

Violation of the Terms of Use

By using this site, you acknowledge that you have read and fully agree to the Terms of Use. Via Negativa reserves the right to deny access to the VN website to users who violate or act inconsistently with the Terms of Use. If the user’s conduct causes any damage to Via Negativa or to the individual authors featured on the VN website, the user shall be held fully liable for such damage.

Additional information

Via Negativa
Na peči 12
1000 Ljubljana

E: [email protected]
T: +386 51 360 735

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