Consumer Art
Anita Wach • Bojan Jablanovec
“Pornography becoming the ultimate form of the abjection of war which is unable to simply war, to be simply about killing, and instead turns itself into a grotesque infantile reality-show, in a desperate simulacrum of power”
Jean Baudrillard
17th sentence of the 30 Movements cycle
The kinky pleasure of the defence industry is booming again. Old war prostitute has a full mouth of peacekeeping sweets and she is not taking sides. Old generals, geopolitics experts, and army industry managers, all stand with their pants down, indulging in the ultimate pleasure of their missiles. The video is a tribute to the Polish visual and conceptual artist Natalia Lach-Lachowicz (18 April 1937 – 12 August 2022).
Consumer Art
Video 3’11”
Concept and camera — Bojan Jablanovec
Performance — Anita Wach
Chocolate missiles — Olja Grubić
Music — Himna zavezništva NATO
Producer — Špela Trošt
Production — Via Negativa
24-11-2022, Facebook