Final Solution
Anita Wach • Bojan Jablanovec
The conflict between art and politics cannot and must not be solved”
Hannah Arendt
25th sentence of the 30 Movements cycle
8 hours of humble work to defy the regime of ideological subjugation. The performer believes that through patience and perseverance, step by step, movement by movement, letter by letter, art will triumph. She is dangerously naive and determined to fight the domination of any regime other than the regime of art itself. No. Art is not intended to be useful, nor to contribute to ideological or economic prosperity. It is a monotonous, obsessive, compulsive, sluggish, tedious, stubborn, exhausting and persistent pursuit of something that is supposed to be called freedom.
Final Solution
2023 • 30 Movements
Durational performance • 480 min
Concept — Anita Wach, Bojan Jablanovec
Performance — Anita Wach
Producer — Špela Trošt
Production — Via Negativa
Partner — Cirkulacija 2, Ljubljana
08-03-2023, Cirkulacija 2, Ljubljana