Left Centre Right
Anita Wach
“Let not your left hand know what the right hand does.”
The Bible
7th sentence of the 30 Movements cycle
Between left and right, between right and wrong, between ideology and dogma, there is always a living body. The body stands between words, notions, concepts, trying to break the asymmetrical structure of the semiosphere. Writing becomes an act of reconciling the brain with the corpus, a synchronisation of abstraction with physicality. The body links ideological contradictions, inserts itself into idioms, subverts stereotypes, twists meanings… A sequence of simple gestures triggers an atonal dance of hands and thoughts.
Left Centre Right
2022 • 30 Movements
Intervention • 45 min
Concept and performance — Anita Wach
Music — Borut Savski
Drawing on the body — Olja Grubić
Coordination — Sara Horžen
Producer — Špela Trošt
Production — Via Negativa
Partner — Cirkulacija 2, Ljubljana
13-05-2022, Cirkulacija 2, Ljubljana