Prisoners of Freedom
Anita Wach
“Omnis vita servitium est.”
Hannah Arendt
8th sentence of the 30 Movements cycle
Figure of a ballet dancer is a representation of a strict form, self-control and discipline. During performance a small ensemble of ‘ballerinas’, let’s call them ‘liberal bourgeoisie’, act as warriors of beauty fighting against natural limitations. They are guards of total subordination to higher purpose, promoters of strict forms by which freedom can be achieved – designed, learned and not so precisely executed freedom. Advocates of rigorous rules designed to preserve the system of “animal laborans” – they work, they believe, they have fun, they die exhausted.
Prisoners of Freedom
2022 • 30 Movements
Performance • 30 min
Concept and text — Anita Wach
Performers — Anita Wach, Kristina Aleksova, Loup Abramovici
Coordination — Sara Horžen
Producer — Špela Trošt
Production — Via Negativa
21-05-2022, Sokolski dom Tabor, Ljubljana