Anita Wach
“I am a citizen of this world.”
Diogen of Sinope
1st sentence of the 30 Movements cycle
The body as a filter for processing the norms of civilisation. Solidarity, compassion, responsibility, equality, trust, humanity – all these concepts have their own weight, mass and consistency. Every body, big or small, strong or weak, has to absorb and process the vast universe of civilisational imperatives. Everything has to be swallowed, chewed, digested, eliminated, emptied, purified.
2022 • 30 Movements
Solo performance • 25 min
Concept and performance — Anita Wach
Sound design — Tomaž Grom
Coordination — Sara Horžen
Producer — Špela Trošt
Production — Via Negativa
Partners — Galerija Alkatraz Ljubljana, KUD Mreža, festival Rdeče zore
Performance was the closing ceremony of the exhibition: Dolores, Pain Through the Image of Sound by Urška Preis
25-03-2022 • Galerija Alkatraz, Ljubljana