/ auto /
Anita Wach
“History that repeats itself turns to farce. Farce that repeats itself turns to history.”
Jean Baudrillard
10th sentence of the 30 Movements cycle
Auto. Author. Autonomy. Automat. Autoeroticism. Autocracy. Autopsy… We parked -auto- in a term that defines ‘self-governing’ or free identity, as well as in a word that indicates our everyday insanities. This is us: autonomous territories powered by automatic machines. We voluntarily pull ourselves to live involuntary lives. We are parts of an engine we invented to keep the world moving. We have a universal plan: push. We need to keep pushing things forward. Forward, even if there is no fuel. Forward, even if there is no clear goal ahead of us. If some of us despair, there are others here who still believe. If the engine is rusty, we still have muscles. If the muscles don’t hold up, we have the determination. We are the engine of civilization and only we can stop it. But we won’t. We will continue to push our little piece of earth we stand on – the flat square meter of our flat imagination.
/ auto /
2022 • VN Lab / 30 Movements
Performance, 50 min
Concept — Anita Wach (in the frame of the 30 Movements cycle)
Devised and performed by — Anita Wach, Olja Grubić, Lučka Centa, Sara Horžen, Luka Piletič, Lucija Ostan Vejrup, Mitja Lovše, Jeff Stein, Ena Kurtalić
Mentor — Bojan Jablanovec
Producer — Špela Trošt
Coordination — Sara Horžen
Production — Via Negativa
Partner — Zavod Bunker
VN Lab public presentation
03-07-2022, The Old Power Station, Ljubljana