Metastasis of Freedom
Olja Grubić
The slavery of difference
“We spend our life, it’s ours, trying to bring together in the same instant a ray of sunshine and a free bench, in some oasis of public verdure, we’ve been seized by a love of nature, in our sere and yellow, it belongs to one and all.” Samuel Beckett, Texts for Nothing 3
The real problem of humanity is the human being. By referring to the protection of his own primordial nature, he consolidates his dominant position in nature and legitimises inequality and injustice in society. In global and local perspective, humanity is increasingly divided into citizens and non-citizens, natives and newcomers, locals and foreigners, westerners and southerners. The need to maintain difference is growing as a metastasis in the fabric of national cultures.
The right to independence, sovereignty and freedom of the individual, the nation, humanity, becomes a bulwark within which the sun will be ours alone. The need for security is growing, the defence industry is devouring more and more people, energy and money. The apparent threat is all-encompassing and omnipresent. Appearance becomes fact, fact becomes appearance. Life becomes apparent, we recognise ourselves only symbolically. Human being disappear under the debris of appearances. Freedom has become the slavery of difference.
Metastasis of Freedom
2024 • Extima
Performance • 50 min
Concept, set and costume design — Olja Grubić
Devised and performed by — Andrej Fon, Barbara Kukovec, Lana Zdravković, Loup Abramovici, Olja Grubić, Vid Drašler
Music — Andrej Fon, Vid Drašler
Light design and technical management — Špela Škulj
Producer — Špela Trošt
Production — Via Negativa
Partner — Španski borci Cultural Centre, Ljubljana