Nataša Živković
The man who taught me how to tie my shoes
Why? I do it for my father’s sake. Who is he? The man who taught me how to tie my shoes. His name is Vukosav Živković. An engineer at Litostroj who retired when I was thirteen. President of the Litostroj Wind Orchestra, for which he provided new uniforms and instruments. Amember of the Communist Party of Yugoslavia. A believer who hung a large picture of Tito on the wall of our living room. (And took it down as soon as Yugoslavia collapsed.) A man who one day decided not to brush his teeth anymore – and lost almost all other them. He is neither a well-known personality, nor does he have any special skills or distinctions. He is my father. The man who taught me how to tie my shoes. He is always there when I tie my shoes. For-Fathers-Sake is the second part of the trilogy about the Živković family constellations.
Dance performance • 50 min
Conceived and performed by — Nataša Živković
Dramaturgy — Jasmina Žgank
— Moj očka ima konjička dva (folk song)
— Performed by Litostroj Wind Orchestra
— Conducted and arranged by Gregor Vidmar
— De-arranged by Tomaž Grom
Light design — Igor Remeta
Producer — Špela Trošt
Production — Cankarjev dom, City of Women, Via Negativa