And So On And So Forth

Anita Wach • Anna Krzystek • Bojan Jablanovec • Gregor Zorc • Magnus Logi Kristinsson • Rok Kravanja • Timo Fredriksson


Everything is always ending. Nothing really ends.

Passengers falling from downed planes, a torpedo accelerating towards the emigrant ship, the last penguin standing on the last patch of ice … And so on and so forth. A phrase suggesting that something goes on forever. Or a metaphor for the endless repetition of the same thing over and over again. Or it describes the moment when reason becomes so helpless that all it can only gasp “and so on and so forth”. And it is here, at the beginning of what can no longer be reached by reason, that performance begins. Everything is always ending. Nothing really ends. The six performers from Finland, Great Britain, Iceland, Poland and Slovenia can only carry the corpses to the point of exhaustion, clinging to the last shred of their sanity. The performance is the result of a collaboration between the Helsinki-based performance group Oblivia and Vie Negative. What unites the two groups is their performative strategies and the reduction of performance to a basic stage language.

And So On And So Forth

2014 • Irresolvable
Performance • 90 min

Concept and direction — Bojan Jablanovec
Devised and performed by — Anita Wach, Anna Krzystek, Gregor Zorc, Magnus Logi Kristinsson, Rok Kravanja, Timo Fredriksson
Audio-visual interface — Vasja Progar
Sound design — Tomaž Grom
Light design — Meri Ekola
Technical manager — Igor Remeta
Producer Oblivia — Marina Andersson-Rahikka
Producer VN — Špela Trošt
Production — Oblivia Helsinki, Via Negativa

Irresolvable 2011 – 2022 • Cycle
Manipulations 2015 • Performance
Hundred Toasts 2015 • Interactive performance
The Ninth 2016 • Gallop through Beethoven’s Ninth
Together 2018 • Durational performance
365 Falls 2018 • Physical theatre
Sorry 2018 • Performance
Physis 2021 • Video
Shame 2011 • Travesty
Oops 2012 • Dance solo



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