Physis Icons
Anita Wach • Bojan Jablanovec
Choreograpy of contagion
The body. A harmonious, seductive, flexible icon of nature. But also cruel, violent and painfully pragmatic. When it speaks with the language of pain, the intellect becomes obsessed with finding a way out. Our inner politician demands the regulation of nature; our hidden anarchist shouts to accept the rules of chaos. Once the language of pain is liquidated, the language of reason is also put to sleep. The video was created as part of the choreographic preparations for the Physis project and in response to an invitation from FFT Düsseldorf as a partner of Bündnis internationaler Produktionshäuser, Berlin, to participate in Voices, a project about the situation of artists during the shutdown due to the Covid-19 pandemic.
Physis Icons
Video • 10’09”
Choreography, text, performance — Anita Wach
Text, camera, editing — Bojan Jablanovec
Music, sound design — Eduardo Raon
Production — FFT Dusseldorf, Via Negativa
12-10-2020 • Borštnikovo srečanje, Maribor
24-05-2020 • Polis Teatro Festival, Ravenna
05-05-2020 •