2016 – 2017 • Loup Abramovici
The potential of an artistic event
Promising is a cycle of ten potential situations with ten different guests in ten different venues. Each situation is shaped by the space with its potential of context, Loup Abramovici as the potential of movement, Tomaž Grom as the potential of sound and special guests as the potentials of content. Promising compresses and confronts all these potentials in the time of the presence of the viewer as that potential which, by its presence in this situation, can trigger an artistic event. The final event of the Promising cycle is Unbelievable.
Loup Abramovici
Potential of movement
Loup Abramovici
Potential of sound
Tomaž Grom
Potentials of content
Katarina Stegnar • Eduardo Raon • Janez Janša • Vid V. Vodušek • Maja Rivić • Tomi Janežič • Katarina Pejović • Matej Stupica • Jaša Mrevlje Pollak • Roberta Milevoj
Potentials of context
Kapelica Gallery, Ljubljana • KC Tobačna 001/MGML, Ljubljana • Nagib na oder, Maribor • Škuc Gallery, Ljubljana • Močvara, Zagreb • Rog Factory, Ljubljana • City Museum of Ljubljana • Puppet Theatre Ljubljana • Slovenian Museum of Natural History, Ljubljana • Electro Camp V, Mestre – Venice
Producer and coordinator
Špela Trošt
Via Negativa
Zavod Sploh