Kindergarten Mežica
Andrej Fon • Loup Abramovici
Kindergarten ACT (ZVrt)
Article 4
(Goals of preschool education)
The goals of preschool education in kindergartens are:
– develop abilities to understand and accept oneself and others
– develop abilities to negotiate, acknowledge differences, and teamwork
– develop abilities to recognise emotions and encourage emotional experience and expression
– cultivate curiosity, an inquisitive spirit, imagination and intuition, as well as develop independent thinking
– promote the development of language skills for effective and creative use of speech, as well as reading and writing at a later stage
– encourage artistic expression and experience of works of art
– transfer knowledge from various disciplines of science and day-to-day life
– encourage physical and motor development, and
– develop a self-reliant routine of personal hygiene and caring for one’s health.
Adopted: 14.2.1996
Published: 29.2.1996
Effective from: 15.3.1996
Document type: Act
Responsible authority: Ministry of Education and Sport
Adopting authority: National Assembly of the Republic of Slovenia
Kindergarten Mežica
2019 • Shift
Shift with children of the Kindergarten Mežica
Shift facilitators — Andrej Fon, Loup Abramovici
Coordinator and producer — Špela Trošt
Production — Via Negativa
Coproduction — Zavod Sploh
Final shifts
2. and 16. April 2019, Kindergarten Mežica