Loup Abramovici • Tomaž Grom
Resolution on the National Social Care Programme for 2022-2030 (ReNPSV22-30)
C.4 All-day institutional care for the elderly (homes for the elderly)
16,539 residents in care homes for the elderly (71% of residents are over 80 years old). More than 58% of residents need health care in addition to social care. The average age of residents is 83 years. On 1 January 2021, there were 18,991 places available in homes for the elderly in Slovenia.
Key challenges:
– The current number of places in residential care facilities for the elderly does not meet the target set in the ReNPVS13-20 (4.8% coverage of the population aged 65+) – a shortfall of 2,879 places. However, at the end of 2022, the capacity network will be increased by 1,185 places awarded in the 2020 call for concessions and by 1,100 places awarded in the 2021 call for concessions. Within the framework of the Resilience and Development Plan, we are planning to build new residential care facilities with a capacity of 850 places.
– The needs forecast, based on demographic trends and demand for services, shows that demand will increase by 4,182 users by 2030. Experience from other European countries shows that the introduction of long-term care reduces the demand for institutional care.
– The age structure of users is changing, with older people aged over 80 and even over 90. This is also changing the needs of users, particularly in the area of care for people with dementia.
– The number of people with dementia in Slovenia is increasing rapidly; it is expected to double in the next 20 years.
– New concepts of work for different user groups (e.g. Huntington’s and Parkinson’s disease) need to be developed; new concepts of work also require spatial adaptations and staff reinforcements.
Target by 2030:
4.5% participation of the population aged 65+.
Adopted: 23. 3. 2022
Published: 8. 4. 2022
Type of document: Resolution
Responsible authority: Ministry of Labour, Family, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities
Adopting authority: National Assembly of the Republic of Slovenia
2018 • Shift
Shift with residents of the social care institution Home for the Elderly Rakičan
Shift facilitators — Loup Abramovici, Tomaž Grom
Coordinator and producer — Špela Trošt
Production — Via Negativa
Co-production — Zavod Sploh
Final shift
05-12-2018, Home for the Elderly Rakičan