What Goes Around Comes Around
Loup Abramovici • Tomaž Grom
“To ni pravično, vsi na kolesa,
zakaj ima zajec dolga ušesa.”
“It’s not fair, everyone on bikes, why the rabbit has long ears.”
(The Righteous Song)
Under the guidance of Loup Abramovici, the children gathered their thoughts on justice, transcribed by Primož Čučnik and set to music by Tomaž Grom. “In France, we say that truth always comes from the mouths of children (La verité sort toujours de la bouche des enfants). When I thought about justice, I realised that this word carries the burden of concepts such as equality, law, rule, morality, punishment, truth… which each adult seems to understand in his or her own way. So I invited some children to write their thoughts on what is just or unjust.” Loup Abramovici
What Goes Around Comes Around
2021 • Shift
Musical composition • 6’40”
Concept — Loup Abramovici
Thoughts on justice — Jad, Majdal, Rand in Wasim Abdulmonaem, Ava in Bela Abramovici Reba, Mila Bezjak Stegnar, Kajetan Pertot Weis in Loup Abramovici
Songwriter — Primož Čučnik
Composer — Tomaž Grom
Performers — Jad Abdulmonaem, Ava in Bela Abramovici Reba, Kajetan Pertot Weis, Teodora Novaković, Ema Baša Poderžaj, Jaro Zorc, Jošt Drašler, Vid Drašler in Tomaž Grom
Coordinator and producer — Špela Trošt
Production — Via Negativa
Co-production – Zavod Sploh
02-07-2021, Storytelling Festival, Ljubljana