Under Control
Luka Piletič
The clown who forgot to be funny
Luka works out every day, answers emails on time, showers every day with cold water, eats healthy, separates waste, cleans, cooks, in short, does everything he can to keep things from getting out of control. It all makes him sick, but some things just have to be swallowed. How far are we prepared to go to keep things under control? Where is the freedom, the joy, the happiness? If you also feel that you are just a sheepdog trying to keep your desires, instincts, obligations, worries, problems, etc. in order on a daily basis, then Luka is your man. A clown who forgot to be funny and a performer who can’t be serious.
Under Control
Solo performance • 50 min
Conceived and performed by — Luka Piletič
Performing dramaturgy — Uroš Kaurin, Anja Bezlova Završnik
Producer Moment — Lana Bauman
Producer VN — Špela Trošt
Production — Via Negativa, KUD Moment Maribor
Partner — Zavod En-Knap
The performance was conceived in the VN Lab, the Via Negativa laboratory for performance art and the PARL 2022 platform. Thanks to all involved.
Award for an original text – ZIZ Festival, 2023
Scene to Scene Award – ZIZ Festival, 2023