Spotlight on Me
Barbara Kukovec
The paradox of living presence
“Richard Wagner: The Dance of the Valkyrie. Louder. Louder. Louder. And – boom. The theatre explodes. The walls collapse, the ceiling falls in on us. But you and I survive. All that’s left is you, me and her – a memory of everything that’s gone.” La Ribot’s performance Another Bloody Mary is the penultimate victim in this story of the blurring of the boundary between the subject of the performance and the performance of the subject. The final victim is the performer performing this story. Barbara explores the paradox of living presence in front of the spectator. A living presence never exists only as a presence for itself, liveliness is always also a presence for an absence. Barbara becomes a victim of her own liveness – the only thing she creates with her performance is a memory of what she creates.
Spotlight on Me
2009 • Via Nova
Solo performance • 40 min
Concept and text — Barbara Kukovec, Bojan Jablanovec
Direction, set and light design — Bojan Jablanovec
Performer — Barbara Kukovec
Producer — Špela Trošt
Production — Via Negativa