The First Law of B.K.
Barbara Kukovec
“The basic function of BK is energy conversion. BK does not call this life or suffering, nor does it seek to improve or correct it.”
(Barbara Kukovec)
A performance for four projectors, a bicycle and a cyclist. The first law is derived from the first law of thermodynamics, which says: “Energy cannot be destroyed or created from nothing, but only converted from one form into another.” In the performance, Barbara reduces her existence to a function of the thermodynamic system that converts food energy (calories) into light energy (lumens) for the purpose of the performance. The performer uses a bicycle to drive a dynamo that generates electricity to light the stage, and a sensor on the pedals to control the brightness of four projectors that play videos entitled: Sandwich Bites, Chicken Canon, Five Course, Vegetables Beat, Coffee, Beer & Wine, Noodles Ballet, Apple Wants to be an Orange, English Breakfast and Hot Hot Hot.
The First Law of B.K.
2011 • Via Nova
Video performance • 35 min
Concept and text — Barbara Kukovec, Bojan Jablanovec
Performance and video — Barbara Kukovec
Sound and video synchronisation — Rob Canning
Light sensor — Borut Kumperščak
Technical management — Igor Remeta
Producer — Špela Trošt
Production — Via Negativa