Organic Waste
2019 • VN Lab
The body resists any ideology
The production includes three collective situations that treat the human body as the basic source of “dirt” in the ideological, biological and cultural sense of the word. Today, the great struggle against the pollution of the planet is gradually turning into ideological moralism. But the body exists outside the rules of morality, remains “dirty” and stubbornly resists any ideology.
Organic Waste
2019 • VN Lab
Performance • 50 min
Concepts — Anita Wach, Kristina Aleksova, Olja Grubić
Performed by: Sara Horžen, Mitja Lovše, Medea Novak, Miša Gams, Anita Wach, Kristina Aleksova, Olja Grubić
Mentor — Bojan Jablanovec
Producer — Špela Trošt
Coordinator— Sara Horžen
Production — Via Negativa
Partner — Zavod Bunker
VN Lab public presentation
15-09-2019, The Old Power Station, Ljubljana