To the Last Drop
2015 • VN Lab
Many reasons to drink
Drinking is one of the most universal ways to express and socialise a wide range of emotions, from joy to sadness, from hope to despair, from defeat to triumph… In fact, there is no reason that is not good for drinking. Lana Zdravković drinks to the rights and freedoms we have enshrined in the Constitution. Olja Grubić drinks to her right to decide freely about the birth of her children. Nika Rozman drinks to all hardworking, caring, faithful and loving mothers, wives and housewives.
To the Last Drop
2015 • VN Lab
Three solo pieces • 60 min
Devised and performed by: Lana Zdravković, Olja Grubić, Nika Rozman
Mentor — Bojan Jablanovec
Mentor assistent — Gregor Zorc
Producer — Špela Trošt
Production — Via Negativa
Partner — Zavod Bunker
VN Lab public production
09-09-2015, The Old Power Station, Ljubljana