Hundred Toasts

2015 • Interactive performance

Hundred Toasts Refleksija
Hundred Toasts Didaskalia, Krakow
Hundred Toasts Foto IG_1703241
Hundred Toasts Grotowski Institute Wroclaw
Hundred Toasts Foto IG_1703244
Hundred Toasts Grotowski Institute Wroclaw
Hundred Toasts Foto IG_1703246
Hundred Toasts Grotowski Institute Wroclaw
Hundred Toasts Foto IG_1703247
Hundred Toasts Grotowski Institute Wroclaw
Hundred Toasts Foto IG_17032418
Hundred Toasts Grotowski Institute Wroclaw
Hundred Toasts Foto IG_17032420
Hundred Toasts Grotowski Institute Wroclaw
Hundred Toasts Foto IG_17032421
Hundred Toasts Grotowski Institute Wroclaw
Hundred Toasts Foto IG_17032422
Hundred Toasts Grotowski Institute Wroclaw
Hundred Toasts Foto MAS_2303
Hundred Toasts Bojan Jablanovec, Anita Wach
Hundred Toasts Foto MAS_2315
Hundred Toasts Anita Wach
Hundred Toasts Foto MAS_2329
Hundred Toasts Anita Wach
Hundred Toasts Foto MAS_2388
Hundred Toasts Anita Wach
Hundred Toasts Foto MAS_2414
Hundred Toasts Anita Wach
Hundred Toasts Foto MAS_2427
Hundred Toasts Anita Wach
Hundred Toasts Foto MAS_2433
Hundred Toasts Anita Wach
Hundred Toasts Foto MAS_2443
Hundred Toasts Anita Wach
Hundred Toasts Foto MAS_2458
Hundred Toasts Anita Wach
Hundred Toasts Foto MAS_2477
Hundred Toasts Anita Wach
Hundred Toasts Foto MAS_2480
Hundred Toasts Publika
Hundred Toasts • Photo MAS_2483
Hundred Toasts Anita Wach
Hundred Toasts • Photo MAS_2488
Hundred Toasts Anita Wach
Hundred Toasts • Photo MAS_2490
Hundred Toasts Anita Wach
Hundred Toasts • Photo MAS_2525
Hundred Toasts Anita Wach
Hundred Toasts • Photo MAS_2530
Hundred Toasts Anita Wach
Hundred Toasts • Photo MAS_2542
Hundred Toasts Cukrarna Ljubljana
Hundred Toasts • Photo MAS_2556
Hundred Toasts Tega nihče ne bi smel videti
Hundred Toasts • Photo FES7904
Hundred Toasts The audience
Hundred Toasts Kritika
Hundred Toasts Teatrmaat, Poznan
Hundred Toasts Kritika
Hundred Toasts Taniecpolska, Varšava
Hundred Toasts Kritika
Hundred Toasts Plesna scena, Zagreb
Hundred Toasts Kritika
Hundred Toasts Parada plesa, Ljubljana
Hundred Toasts Kritika
Hundred Toasts MMC RTV Slovenija
Hundred Toasts Kritika
Hundred Toasts Gazeta Wyborcza, Bialystok
Hundred Toasts Kritika
Hundred Toasts Modulazioni Temporali
Hundred Toasts RTV Slovenija
Hundred Toasts RTV Slovenija 01:59
Hundred Toasts Video clip
Hundred Toasts Video clip 01:15
Hundred Toasts Performance text
Hundred Toasts Performance text (Tito)
Hundred Toasts Photo DSCF2153
Hundred Toasts Anita Wach
Hundred Toasts • Photo DSCF2145
Hundred Toasts Anita Wach
Hundred Toasts • Photo DSCF2105
Hundred Toasts Anita Wach
Hundred Toasts • Photo MAD_6414
Hundred Toasts Anita Wach
Hundred Toasts • Photo MAD_7538/7522
Hundred Toasts Anita Wach
Hundred Toasts • Photo FES7929
Hundred Toasts Anita Wach
Hundred Toasts • Photo FES7901
Hundred Toasts Bojan Jablanovec
Hundred Toasts • Photo FES7884
Hundred Toasts Anita Wach
Hundred Toasts • Photo MAD_7578
Hundred Toasts Anita Wach
Hundred Toasts • Photo MAD_7575
Hundred Toasts Anita Wach
Hundred Toasts • Photo MAD_7569
Hundred Toasts Anita Wach
Hundred Toasts • Photo MAD_7565
Hundred Toasts Anita Wach
Hundred Toasts • Photo MAD_7562
Hundred Toasts Anita Wach
Hundred Toasts • Photo MAD_7558
Hundred Toasts Anita Wach
Hundred Toasts • Photo MAD_7557
Hundred Toasts Anita Wach
Hundred Toasts • Photo MAD_7551
Hundred Toasts Anita Wach
Hundred Toasts • Photo MAD_7550
Hundred Toasts Anita Wach
Hundred Toasts • Photo MAD_7549
Hundred Toasts Anita Wach
Hundred Toasts • Photo MAD_7548
Hundred Toasts Anita Wach
Hundred Toasts • Photo MAD_7544
Hundred Toasts Anita Wach
Hundred Toasts • Photo MAD_7543
Hundred Toasts Anita Wach
Hundred Toasts • Photo MAD_7528
Hundred Toasts Anita Wach
Hundred Toasts • Photo MAD_7517
Hundred Toasts Bojan Jablanovec
Hundred Toasts • Photo MAD_7516
Hundred Toasts Anita Wach
Hundred Toasts • Photo MAD_6530
Hundred Toasts Anita Wach
Hundred Toasts • Photo MAD_6511
Hundred Toasts Anita Wach
Hundred Toasts • Photo MAD_6477
Hundred Toasts Anita Wach
Hundred Toasts • Photo MAD_6458
Hundred Toasts Anita Wach
Hundred Toasts • Photo MG_K303 Komentar
Hundred Toasts MSUM Comment#3
Hundred Toasts MG_K302 Komentar
Hundred Toasts MSUM Comment#3

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