Lučka Centa

Visual artist, performer

How to Explain a Monument to a Herd of Hares Video
How to Explain a Monument to a Herd of Hares Video 28:15
How to Explain a Monument to a Herd of Hares Foto DSC_6143
How to Explain a Monument to a Herd of Hares Magdalena Tuka, Teja Bitenc, Lučka Centa
VN Lab / auto /  Foto MAD_3345
/ auto / VN Lab, 2022
VN Lab 2022 / auto / Foto MAS_7319
/ auto / VN Lab, 2022
VN Lab 2022 / auto / Foto MAS_7210
/ auto / VN Lab, 2022
How to Explain a Monument to a Herd of Hares Foto DSC_6217
How to Explain a Monument to a Herd of Hares Anita Wach, Ines Šimunić, Lučka Centa, Magdalena Tuka, Nohemi Barriuso, Anja Novak, Tjaša Črnigoj
How to Explain a Monument to a Herd of Hares Foto DSC_6144
How to Explain a Monument to a Herd of Hares Anita Wach, Ines Šimunić, Kristina Aleksova, Lučka Centa, Magdalena Tuka, Nohemi Barriuso, Olja Grubić, Teja Bitenc, Anja Novak, Tjaša Črnigoj

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