
Essays, interviews, articles about VN

Reflections Špela Trošt
Reflections Špela Trošt
Reflections Loup Abramovici
Reflections Loup Abramovici
Reflections Tomaž Grom
Reflections Tomaž Grom
Reflections Performer, the Fool
Reflections Anita Wach: Performer, the Fool
Reflections Video intervju Magdalena Tuka
Reflections Magdalena Tuka
Reflections Video intervju Marko Mandić
Reflections Marko Mandić
Reflections Video intervju Katarina Stegnar
Reflections Katarina Stegnar
Reflections Video intervju Gregor Zorc
Reflections Gregor Zorc
Reflections Video intervju Kristina Aleksova
Reflections Kristina Aleksova
Reflections Video intervju Barbara Kukovec
Reflections Barbara Kukovec
Reflections Video intervju Anita Wach
Reflections Anita Wach
Reflections Video intervju Nataša Živković
Reflections Nataša Živković
Reflections Video intervju Igor Ružić
Reflections Igor Ružić
Reflections Video intervju Branko Brezovec
Reflections Branko Brezovec
Reflections Video intervju Gordana Vnuk
Reflections Gordana Vnuk
Reflections Video intervju Tihomir Milovac
Reflections Tihomir Milovac
Reflections Video intervju Zvonimir Dobrović
Reflections Zvonimir Dobrović
Reflections Video intervju Stephan A. Shtereff
Reflections Stephan A. Shtereff
Reflections Video intervju Kathrin Tiedemann
Reflections Kathrin Tiedemann
Reflections Video intervju Tamás Jászay
Reflections Tamás Jászay
Reflections Video intervju Ingrid Ellestad
Reflections Ingrid Ellestad
Reflections No One Should Have Seen This Recenzija knjige
Reflections Andrej Mirčev: Knjiga kao ožiljak ili pukotina u događaju
Reflections Why All This At All?
Reflections Marin Blažević, Bojan Jablanovec, Katarina Stegnar, Gregor Zorc, Marko Mandić
Reflections Ne, Via Negativa 2002 – 2008, Uvod v ne
Reflections Marin Blažević: Uvod v Ne,
Reflections l’inextricable en tant que symptôme performatif
Reflections Blaž Lukan: Via Negativa: l’inextricable en tant que symptôme performatif
Reflections Umetnost igre RTV Slovenija
Reflections TV Slovenija: Gledališče kot medij komunikacije
Reflections MandićMachine Maska
Reflections Anja Bajda: Affect and the Performing Arts
Reflections O nemoči radikalne potrošnje
Reflections Bojana Kunst: O nemoči radikalne potrošnje
Reflections Erasing the Audience
Reflections Blaž Lukan: Erasing the Audience
Reflections The Real in Jablanovec
Reflections Blaž Lukan: The Real in Jablanovec. Eight Projects, Eight Observations
Reflections Trans-Spectator
Reflections Tomaž Krpič: Trans-Spectator
Reflections • Raziskave teatralnosti v režiji Bojana Jablanovca
Reflections Barbara Orel: Raziskave teatralnosti v režiji Bojana Jablanovca
Reflections The Mute Character in the Utopia of Performance
Reflections Nenad Jelesijević: The Mute Character in the Utopia of Performance
Reflection Theater der Zeit
Reflections Theater der Zeit: Körper auf der Bühne
Reflections Dve svobodi • Dialogi
Reflections Blaž Lukan: Dve svobodi
Reflections Dnevnik Spolnost v umetnosti
Reflections Sandra Krkoč: Ob pravem razlogu tudi ejakulacija ali lulanje
Reflections An attempt at discussion. Radio Študent, Ljubljana
Reflections Ariana Ferfila: Via Negativa - An Attempt at Discussion
Reflections Via Negativa Tanz, Berlin
Reflections Tanz, Berlin: Via Negativa
Reflections Between the Stage and the Obscene
Reflections Alicja Müller: Between the Stage and the Obscene
Reflections  Physis Intervju z Anito Wach
Reflections Neodvisni, Ljubljana: Safety Is a Fake Promise
Reflections I See Theatre, Above All,  As a Sphere of Communication
Reflections Maska, Ljubljana: I See Theatre, Above All, As a Sphere of Communication, Not As a Medium of Aestheticisation
Reflections No zdaj pa zares • Radio Študent
Reflections Radio Študent: No zdaj pa zares
Reflections Bojan Jablanovec Theatralia HR3
Reflections Theatralia: Interviw with Bojan Jablanovec
Reflections The Live Digitizing of the Actor
Reflections Primož Jesenko: The Live Digitizing of the Actor
Reflections No country for Slovenes Magyar Narancs
Reflections Magyar Narancs: No country for Slovenes
Reflections Semiotično in fenomenalno telo slovenskega gledališča
Reflections Tomaž Toporišič: Semiotično in fenomenalno telo slovenskega gledališča
Reflections Eva Kraševec: Spektakel – to je moje dostojanstvo
Reflections Eva Kraševec: Spektakel - to je moje dostojanstvo
Reflections The Spectator’s Performing Body
Reflections Tomaž Krpič: The Spectator’s Performing Body
Reflections Strategije degradacije Radio Študent
Reflections Radio Študent: Strategije degradacije
Reflections Behind the Black of the Eye
Reflections Barbara Orel: Behind the Black of the Eye
Reflections Brakes, no brakes Revizor, Budimpešta
Reflections Revizor, Budapest: Brakes, no brakes
Reflections Hermes three times Szinhaz, Budapest
Reflections Szinhaz, Budapest: Hermes Three Times
Reflections Špela Trošt Spotikanje pogleda Dialogi
Reflections Špela Trošt: Spotikanje pogleda
Reflections Špela Trošt Pojavnost, ki nima več ostrih robov Radio Študent
Reflections Radio Študent: Pojavnost, ki nima več ostrih robov
Reflections Špela Trošt, sinteza: Predstavljalna operacija • Radio Slovenija
Reflections Radio Slovenija: Predstavljalna operacija
Reflections Moja pojavnost nima več ostrih robov • Radio Slovenija
Reflections Radio Slovenija: Špela Trošt, Moja pojavnost nima več ostrih robov
Reflections In Beetwen
Reflections Anita Wach, Gregor Zorc, Jaka Lah, Magdalena Tuka, Loup Abramovici
Reflections Delo, Ljubljana
Reflections Delo, Ljubljana: Neprilagojenci, nekonformisti in Negativci
Reflections Hotspot 2023 RTV Slovenija
Reflections TV Slovenija: Hotspot 2023
Reflections RTV Slovenija Osmi dan
Reflections TV Slovenija: Bojan Jablanovec o 20-letnici Vie Negative
Reflections Skratka, izjemni smo Večer
Reflections Večer, Maribor: Skratka, izjemni smo
Reflections Ubijanje neodvisne scene
Reflections Bojan Jablanovec: Ubijanje neodvisne scene
Reflections Neoliberal Crisis Reduces Art to a Business Activity
Reflections BCC: Neoliberal Crisis Reduces Art to a Business Activity
Reflections Urinating On the HNK Was Necessary
Reflections Delo, Ljubljana: Urinating On the HNK Was Necessary
Reflections The Impossible Question
Reflections Bojan Jablanovec: The Impossible Question
Reflections Ti zagovarjaš namen, jaz kritiziram dogodek
Reflections Dnevnik, Ljubljana: Ti zagovarjaš namen, jaz kritiziram dogodek
Reflections Sara Horžen Beseda je konj
Reflections Sara Horžen: Beseda je konj - vprašanje je samo, kdo jo jaha
Reflections  Are we happy in our democracy?
Reflections Magyar Narancs: Are we happy in our democracy?
Reflections Manipulations for Real Values
Reflections Teszt, Temišvar: Manipulations for real values
Reflections The minute you reach a consensus with the spectator, as an artist, you have to break it
Reflections Dnevnik, Ljubljana: The minute you reach a consensus with the spectator, as an artist, you have to break it
Reflections Why and What to Perform
Reflections Bojan Jablanovec: Why and What to Perform
Reflections Ne, Via Negativa 2002-2008, Recenzija knjige
Reflections Pogledi, Ljubljana: Ena na ena plus opazovalci
Reflections New York Medijski odziv
Reflections Delo, Ljubljana: Slovenski gledališki prodor v New Yorku
Reflections Kakšni so rezultati lova na realno
Reflections Delo Ljubljana: Kakšni so rezultati lova na realno
Reflections Mi vemo, da ti veš
Reflections Delo Ljubljana: Mi vemo, da ti veš
Reflections Via Nova 2009 Program
Reflections Bojan Jablanovec: Via Nova Program
Reflections Bojan Jablanovec Zarez Zagreb
Reflections Zarez, Zagreb: Drame osobnih eksponiranja
Reflection Observing yourself, playing others Delo, Ljubljana
Reflections Delo, Ljubljana: Observing yourself, playing others
Reflections Ten Years Delo, Ljubljana
Reflections Delo, Ljubljana: Ten years of research, sins and excesses of Via Negativa
Reflections Če ni realnega, potem ni ničesar Siol, Ljubljana
Reflections Siol, Ljubljana: Če ni realnega, potem ni ničesar
Reflections Via status quo Mladina, Ljubljana
Reflections Mladina, Ljubljana: Via status quo
Reflections For Me Creation Starts From the Frustration of Not-Knowing What to Do
Reflections Dance Zone, Prague: For Me Creation Starts From the Frustration of Not-Knowing What to Do
Reflections Gledališče ob bienalu Delo, Ljubljana
Reflections Delo, Ljubljana: Gledališče ob bienalu. Toliko napak, da je vse prav
Reflections Value for your money
Reflections De Morgen, Antwerpen: Value for your money
Reflections Konceptualna izhodišča VN
Reflections Bojan Jablanovec: Konceptualna izhodišča VN

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